
Saturday, May 21, 2011

RE: Reading grades on b-space

Hello all,
   I hope you all did extremely well on your finals and are now enjoying the beginnings of what I hope will be a fun-filled, safe summer for each one of you. Anyway, a number of you emailed me regarding you posted reading grades (on b-space): I just want to address this once for all. That category does not apply to our section, precisely because I did not assign traditional reading journals. Instead, our section required blog entries. I calculated your grades independent of b-space, so just to be clear, that particular category (in question) didn't factor in at all.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

RE: Reflective Performances

Hello all,
   If you currently have a zero on your reflective performance, do not worry; it's my mistake. I will fix it tonight.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Short articles on stereotyping

A number of you are interested in analyzing the role that stereotypes play in the acquisition and learning of academic literacy. If there are more of you who are interestred in this line of argrumentation, I have a few ( short) articles that I can share. Just email me and I will happily send them along to you.

change in office hours today, 5-06-2011

Hello all,
   I have to move my office hours up today. So, I will hold office hours today, from 10:30-2:00, at the Tully's inside of the MLK building (on Bancroft & Telegraph). If for whatever reason you don't see me, or would like to inquire about an alternative time, please don't hesitate to call or text me: 415-786-8787.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Office hours this week

Hello all,
  I will be available for office hours this week, starting today, from 12:00-2:30; Thursday, from 12:30-2:00; and Friday, from 12:30-2:00. If you have questions regarding your progress in the class and/or your case-study project, please take advantage of theses tmes. And, as always, if you'd like to meet but none of htese times jibe with your schedule, please contact me so that we can set up an alternative time to meet.

Best of luck to each of you, as you endure finals.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Hello all: Clarification on blog responses

Some of you pointed out that there are only seven opportunities to respond to blog posts; that's true, however, for the initial blog question you were supposed to either answer two of the questions, or, answer one question and respond to one of your classmate’s posts, which brings the total to eight responses. If you've already done this, then, once you finish the most recent blog question--you are done with blog responses altogether. If you have not done this, please go back and take care of it. Sorry for any confusion.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Final blog question: Response due April 28th, by 11:59PM

Final blog question:

Due: April 28th, by 11:59 PM.

Scale: 6 possible points (abridged scale below)

6 points = well-written, highly reflective/analytical account of the ways that race was manifested/performed
3 points = somewhat reflective, not particularly well-written
1 point = argument is overly simplistic, e.g., race is good or bad, poorly written

Minimum word count: 300 words (give or take)

Thinking back to the Gates, Jr., article, Race as the trope of the world, please write a short essay regarding the overarching racialized dynamics you witnessed within OMI. For example, you can discuss/analyze the racial spatialization of a given classroom, specifically, or the entire school site, more generally. Or, you may want to discuss the ways in which race informed your subjective tutoring experiences or, perhaps, how you race witnessed in the ways that other tutors or teachers interacted with particular students. Or, you may want to discuss/analyze the ways in which students acted out racialized stereotypes or, instead, purposefully resisted racialized stereotypes in their comportment and behavior. This assignment is meant to be reflective; so, please discuss what it is that you felt vis-à-vis what you observed.